Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Job Posting: Lecturer in 19th Century Studies, King's College London

The Department of English at King's College London wishes to appoint an outstanding scholar in the area of 19th-century (post 1830) English Literature. We seek applications from strong candidates who work on any area of 19th-century (post -1830) literature, although candidates may have research expertise in any of the following: 19th-century poetry; the literature of the 1880s and 1890s; literature and its relationships to visual and material cultures; trans-national literatures of the 19th century; 19th-century media and print culture.

This is one of three new positions currently advertised, which form part of a strategy to ensure the Department's position as one of the top departments nationally. The current phase of hiring is the second in a planned expansion staged over 2011-2013. The Department is committed to research and teaching excellence in Anglo-phone literary and cultural studies, from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day, across a broad sweep of geographical locations and national traditions, genres, styles, and media (including theatre and performance and creative writing). Through strategic investment, it builds on its growing reputation for dynamic and innovative research and teaching (in RAE 2008, 70% of outputs were judged 'world leading' or 'internationally excellent'), and a distinctive programme of collaborations with
institutions in the cultural sector.

Further information about the English Department http://www.kcl.ac.uk/artshums/depts/english/index.aspx

For informal enquiries, contact Professor Josephine McDonagh, Head of the Department of English,josephine.mcdonagh@kcl.ac.uk