Monday, October 15, 2012

London Nineteenth-Century Seminar "Death and the Victorians" (Fall 2012)

London Nineteenth-Century Seminar 2012-2013
Autumn Term: Death and the Victorians
Saturdays, 11.00-13.00

20 October 2012 (Senate House, Room 104)
Dr. Claire Wood (University of York):  'Death and the Department Store'

Dr. Elizabeth T. Hurren (University of Leicester): 'The Body Trade in the Dead of London, 1832-1930'

3 November 2012 (Senate House, Room 261)
Dr. Keren Hammerschlag (King's College London): 'Death Walking: Frederic Leighton's Procession Paintings'

Prof. Marcia Pointon (University of Manchester): 'Writing and Touching: casts, masks and materiality'

8 DECEMBER 2012 (Senate House, Room 261)
David McAllister (Birkbeck): 'The Great Majority': Demography, Democracy and the Victorian Dead

Dr. Deborah Lutz (Long Island University): The Many Faces of Death Masks: Dickens and Great Expectations


Strand Organisers, Autumn Term 2012: David McAllister, Birkbeck College and Nicola Bown, Birkbeck College

For more information about the London Nineteenth-Century Seminar: Ana Vadillo, Birkbeck College (