With the
re-opening of borders on the Continent in 1814/15, writers flooded the literary
market with works exploring continental tours and experiences. Invited are submissions for a proposed essay
collection concerning the trends and evolutions of travel writing about and
within the Continent during the long nineteenth century.
Essays might
address gendered travel, narratives determinedly off the beaten paths, Byronic
or other ‘celebrity’ tourism, commercialization and mass tourism, genre
challenges and boundaries, and the intersections of tourism and travel in many
different avenues. Essays will consider the variety of ways in which writers
responded to the opening of borders and their accompanying crossings throughout
the century, as well as the ways in which familiarity with such Continental
landscapes mutated with the development of texts and culture at home and
abroad. Authors are invited to submit their essays of approximately 6,500
words, by January 1st, 2014, via email to Dr. Benjamin Colbert (B.Colbert@wlv.ac.uk)
and Dr. Lucy Morrison (lxmorrison@salisbury.edu); Palgrave has already
expressed an interest in considering the collection. All enquiries are welcome.