SCLA 40th Annual Meeting
Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida
Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida
October 10-12, 2014
Deadline: May 12, 2014
For Roland Barthes, nuance named "an ethical
project." "I want to live according to nuance," he declared. But
what is nuance, and what possibilities might it open up for thinking about the
arts and humanities today? What role might it play in interpretation, in
teaching and scholarship, in reading and writing? Wayne Koestenbaum, the
keynote speaker for this conference, suggests that nuance appears as "a
trace, like dust on plush, [that] resuscitates a lost instant when
someone…raptly concentrated on a stray interpretive detail." What does it
mean to care about nuance, to overlook it, to suppress it? In addition to an
ethics of nuance, might we speak of a politics, an aesthetics, a history of
At the 2014 SCLA conference we will explore what it means to
read for (and with) nuance. Welcome avenues of inquiry could include, but are
not limited to:
- the ethics of interpretation
- translation and its vicissitudes
- memory, trauma, and the trace
- the pleasures of the text
- mimicry and insubordination
- queer identifications and misidentifications
- (out)laws of genre
- margins and marginality
- aesthetic categories
- affect
- silence, illegibility, the intractable, the neutral
- styles of reading (close, distant, surface)
- nuance and the consumer society
- criticism and creativity
Please submit 250-word paper proposals or 500-word panel
proposals by May 12, 2014 through the conference’s website:
Graduate students submitting a paper proposal may also apply
for an SCLA Travel Scholarship (guidelines provided on paper proposal form).
The conference also plans to include two undergraduate sessions and welcomes
undergraduate proposals.
For more information on the Society of Comparative Literature and the Arts and The Comparatist, please visit