Saturday, August 04, 2012

Openings in 18th-19th-C British Lit, University of Minnesota (10/19/2012)

The Department of English at the University of Minnesota invites applications for two full-time assistant professorships: tenure-track, 2/2 course load, begins fall semester 2013.

Required qualifications: (1) PhD or equivalent degree in English or related field, with degree in hand by July 1, 2013; (2) evidence of expertise and high-quality work in 18th- and/or 19th-c. British literature and one or more of the following: (a) literature and empire; (b) literature, science, and technology; (c) literature and the other arts; (d) new approaches to comparative literature; (e) literature, sexuality, and gender; and (f) other innovative interdisciplinary scholarship on literature and a domain of material culture, politics, history, or society; (3) undergraduate teaching experience.

Preferred qualifications: significant scholarship in peer-reviewed venues (e.g., conference papers, journal articles, chapters in edited collections, monographs); graduate-level teaching and advising; demonstrated potential for continued success as scholar and teacher.

The university expects faculty members to maintain an active program of scholarly research and publication, teach undergraduate and graduate courses, advise students, and contribute service to the department, college, university, and profession.

Applicants must apply online at Provide a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, 20-25 pages of your scholarly writing, and syllabi for two courses you have taught.  Deadline is Oct. 19, 2012; applications will be acknowledged.  Selected applicants will be contacted for three letters of recommendation and for interviews at the MLA Convention in Boston.  The University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The Department of English has 34 core faculty members, approximately 650 undergraduate student majors, and 110 graduate students. Our scholarship, creative work, and teaching span a broad range that includes literature, language, creative writing, literacy and rhetorical studies, linguistics, and cultural inquiry.  For more information about the department, please see our website at:  For information about the College of Liberal Arts, see:

If you have questions, please contact Pamela Leszczynski at