Urbanism and Urbanity
March 20-22, Chicago IL
Deadline: September 30, 2013
Maria K. Bachman and Maria Gindhart, Program
Co-Chairs, ncsa2014@gmail.com
part of the 2014 Nineteenth Century Studies Association gathering in Chicago,
Arnold Schmidt is seeking papers for panels on British and Continental European
Romantic-era writers treating the conference theme of the “Urban and
Urbanity.” Related themes might include the following:
- the Romantic city
- the city and fashion
- the city and education
- the city and commerce
- the city as utopia or dystopia
- the city as nation
- the city and the citizen
- the city and the social season
- the city and the demi-monde
- the city and spectacle
- the city and popular entertainment
might consider the “Urban” in writers including, but by no means limited to
Coleridge, De Quincey, Mary Hays, Elizabeth Inchbald, Charles Lucas, Harriet
Martineau, Hannah More, Amelia Opie, Sydney Owenson, Frances Trollope, Helen
Maria Williams, Wollstonecraft, and Wordsworth.
might also treat the theme of "urbanity" and hence focus on novels of
manners and/or Romantic satirists like Austen, Byron, Edgeworth, Peacock, among
others. These
panels are not limited to British writers and particularly welcome papers about
Continental European Romantics.
250-word abstracts for 20-minute papers, as well as one-page vitae, to my
attention at aschmidt@csustan.edu by
the deadline of September 30, 2013.
Please feel free to contact Arnold Schmidt with questions about the appropriateness of
possible paper topics.
students and international scholars may compete for partial travel
funding. For more information, see the general call for papers below.