Urbanism and Urbanity
March 20-22, Chicago IL
deadline: September 30, 2013
to: Maria K. Bachman and Maria Gindhart, Program
Co-Chairs, ncsa2014@gmail.com
We seek papers and panels that investigate elements
of urbanism and urbanity during' the long nineteenth century, such as:
urbanites (the flaneur, the prostitute,the detective, the criminal, etc.);
urbanites and the rise of consumer culture; immigrants and urban
communities: urban domesticity in literature and culture; architecture, urban
design, and city planning; urban spaces and the gothic imagination;
mobilities and forms of urban transport; the politics of urban space; the
city and the natural environment; urban cartographies; urban crime and
violence; urban spaces and urban peripheries (suburbs; ghettos,
wastelands, industrial zones, dumps and other hybrid spaces); urbanism and
public health; animals and urban environments; concert halls, opera
houses, and other urban entertainment venues; restaurants, cafes, and urban
eating and drinking; leisure and urbanism; city/country divides; and the
anti-urban tradition in art and literature.
We welcome other interpretations of the conference
theme as well. Please e-mail abstracts (250 words) for 20-minute papers
that include the author's name, institutional affiliation, and paper title in
the heading, as well as a one-page CV, by September 30, 2013 to:
Maria K. Bachman and Maria Gindhart, Program Co-Chairs, ncsa2014@gmail.com Please note that
submission of a proposal constitutes a commitment to attend the conference if
the proposal is accepted.
All proposals received will be acknowledged, and presenters will be notified in November 2013. Graduate students whose proposals are accepted may, at that point, submit complete papers in competition for a travel grant to help cover transportation and lodging expenses. Scholars who live outside the North American continent, whose proposals have been accepted, may submit a full paper to be considered for the International Scholar Travel Grant. (See the NCSA website for additional requirements -- http://www.ncsaweb.net/)
Proposal Deadline: September 30,2013