Thursday, July 04, 2013

CFP: NCSA 2014 “The City and the Country in the Nineteenth-Century British Imagination" (8/15/2013; 3/20-22/2014)

Urbanism and Urbanity
Annual Conference of the Nineteenth Century Studies Association, 
March 20-22, 2014
Chicago, IL.

For a panel tentatively titled “The City and the Country in the Nineteenth-Century British Imagination,” I’m seeking proposals for 20-minute papers addressing urban/rural tensions and contradictions. Broadly interpreted, that could include art, music, and literature invoking nostalgia for the rural, rural dialects, urbanism v. the rural in Englishness, industrialization of the countryside and other land-use issues, the back to the land movement, country weekends, interest in rural folklore, the yokel “Hodge” as seen by city-dwellers, environmental concerns, etc. 

Please email 250-word abstracts (or questions, ideas, etc.) by August 15 to Dr. Deborah Maltby, Associate Teaching Professor of English, University of Missouri-St. Louis: